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NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
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- National Cancer Institute — Office of Media Relations on Facebook
- Smokefree Women on Facebook
- Instituto Nacional del Cáncer de EE.UU. on Facebook (En español)
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- @NCIDirector
- @NCIKerlavage(CBIIT Director Dr. Tony Kerlavage)
- @NCIadvocacy
- @NCIprevention (Division of Cancer Prevention)
- @NCISymptomMgmt (NCI Supportive Care)
- @NCICancerCtrl (NCI Cancer Control)
- @NCIEpiTraining (Cancer Epidemiology)
- @NCICancerStats
- @NCICRCHD (Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities)
- @NCIGlobalHealth
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- @NCIGenomics (Center for Cancer Genomics)
- @NCIespanol (NCI en español)
- @NCIBiospecimens
- @NCIDataSci
- @PresCancerPanel
- @NCICompOnc (NCI-Comparative Oncology Program)
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- @NCIGDC_Updates
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- @NCIResearchCtr (Center for Cancer Research)
- @NCICCR_SurgOnc(NCI CCR Surgical Oncology Program)
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- @ReadyNCI
- @SmokefreeUS
- @NCIBehaviors
- @NCICCR_GMB (CCR Genitourinary Malignancies Branch)
- @NCICCR_MOS(CCR Medical Oncology Service)
- @NCICCR_Foregut (NIH Foregut Team)
- @NCICCR_WMB (NCI CCR Women’s Malignancies Branch)
- @NCICCR_HIVDRP (NCI CCR HIV Dynamics and Replication Program)
- @NCI_SurgOncFel (NCI CCR Surgical Oncology Research Fellowship)
- @NCICCRPharmLab (NCI CCR Clinical & Molecular Pharmacology Figg Labs)
- @NCICCR_UroOnc (NCI CCR Urologic Oncology Branch)
- @NCI_CCR_PedOnc (NCI CCR Pediatric Oncology Branch)
- @NIHBrainTumor (CCR Neuro-Oncology Branch)
- @NCICCR_MIP (CCR Molecular Imaging Program)
- @NCICCR_VB (CCR Vaccine Branch)
- @NCITomMisteli
- @NCIEytanRuppin
- @NCISandraWolin
- National Cancer Institute on LinkedIn
- NCI Cancer Data Science on LinkedIn
- National Cancer Institute on YouTube
- SmokeFree TXT
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) on Facebook
- We Can! — Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition on Facebook
- The Heart Truth on Facebook
- Learn More Breathe Better on Facebook
- @BreatheBetter
- @TheHeartTruth
- @TheBethesdaLabs
- @NHLBI_Translate
- @BloodHealthEd
- The Heart Truth® on Instagram
- The Heart Truth on Pinterest
- National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on YouTube
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on Linkedin
- BMI Calculator
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on Facebook
- NIH Oxford – Cambridge Scholars Program on Facebook
- @NIAIDNews
- @NIAIDCareers
- @NIAIDClinRegs
- @NIAIDFunding
- @NIAIDbioit (Bioinformatics)
- @NIAIDTraining
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- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on LinkedIn
- NIAID Tech Transfer on LinkedIn
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- NIAID on YouTube
- Bioinformatics on YouTube
- NIH 3D Print on YouTube
- NIAID on Instagram
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
- National Library of Medicine on Facebook
- NCBI – National Center for Biotechnology Information on Facebook
- MedlinePlus en español on Facebook
- Medline Plus on Facebook
- PubChem on Facebook
- @NLMdirector
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- @MedlinePlusEsp (En español)
- @NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
- @ncbi_clinical
- @pubchem
- NLM Collections on Instagram
- MedlinePlus on Instagram
- MedlinePlus en español on Instagram
- NLMHistory on Pinterest
- NLMProfiles on Pinterest
- National Library of Medicine on LinkedIn
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) on LinkedIn
- History of Medicine Division on Flickr
- Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Discovery
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
- NIEHS on Facebook
- @srp_niehs
- @niehs_peph
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) on LinkedIn
- NIEHS Superfund Research Program Trainees on LinkedIn
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- NIEHS Scholars Connect Program (NSCP) on LinkedIn
- NIEHS on YouTube
- NIEHS Podcasts
- Environmental Health Chat Podcasts
- Global Environmental Health
- Live Videos from NIEHS
NIH Clinical Center (CC)
- NIH Clinical Center on Facebook
- NIH Blood and Platelet Donors on Facebook
- NIH Patient Library on Facebook
- @NIHCritCare
- @NIHBioethics
- @NIHRadiology
- @NIHClinicalCntr
- @CCMedEd (Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education)
- NIH Clinical Center on YouTube
- Clinical Center Medical Education on Flickr
- NIH Clinical Center on LinkedIn
- NIH Patient Library on Pinterest
- Office of Patient Recruitment on Instagram
NIH Programs, Initiatives, and Offices
Office of Extramural Research (OER)
- NIH Loan Repayment Programs on Facebook
- @NIHgrants (NIH extramural research and grants information)
- @NIHFunding (NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts — funding opportunities and announcements)
- @NIH_LRP (NIH Loan Repayment)
- @NIH_OLAW (Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare)
- @NIHseed (Small business Education and Entrepreneurial Development)
- NIH Grants on YouTube
- National Institutes of Health Office of Extramural Research on LinkedIn
- Small business Education and Entrepreneurial Development on LinkedIn
- All About Grants Podcast
Office of Intramural Research (OIR)
- Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH IRP) on Facebook
- @NIHCatalyst
- @nihresearchfest
- @NIH_OITE Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE)
- NIH IRP on Instagram
- Intramural Research Program at NIH on LinkedIn
- NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE) on LinkedIn
- Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health on YouTube
- NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE) on YouTube
- IRP at NIH on Pinterest
NIH Comment Guidelines
The NIH comment guidelines are designed to encourage respectful and constructive dialogue. We ask that your comments be respectful and relevant to the specific topic. In submitting comments to an NIH website, you irrevocably grant NIH permission to copy, distribute, make derivatives, display, or perform your work publicly and free-of-charge. Get more information on the NIH Comment Guidelines.